5 unique ways to increase your blog traffic

5 unique ways to increase your blog traffic

How to increase your blog traffic? This is the question for every webmasters. Every bloggers also try to get traffic to their blogs. Most people don’t know abouttraffic driving. They create blogs and do regular updates only. Here we consider some useful ways to get traffic to your blog.

increase the blog traffic

Regular update with unique quality content

Quality is important. Don’t try to copy from any ware. Write unique content and update your blog twice a week. Continue this for few months then peoples notice your blog end they definitely visit your blog regular. Don’t forget to write for users. Not for Search engines.

Organic search traffic

Google is the king of Search engine and its answer more than 100 billion searches per month. Follow the Google latest panda and penguin search algorithms for better Search engine optimization. This is generating organic search traffic from Search engines.

Forum posting

Back links are important for get rank on search results. Create signature on Do follow forums. Do follow forums are Search engine friendly and its boost your search result.

Social media integration

Users always like quality contents and share it on Social media websites. This is a way to get direct traffic to your blog. Twitter, Facebook, Google plus are the main social networks and drive your blog traffic.

Guest posts and blog comments

How to guest posts boost your blog traffic? It’s possible. Write unique articles and contact some high PR blog administrator. They will publish your article on their blogs and give a do follow back link on the author area. Its help to increase your blog traffic. You can post blog comments on high rank blogs. Comment posting also boosts your blog traffic.

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