Off page Seo – 10 Great Off page Seo Optimization Tips

Off page Seo – 10 Great Off page Seo Optimization Tips

We divide the Search engine optimization in to two major categories. One ison page Seo other one is off page Seo. Both are important for your Search engine ranking. You can fully control your on page Seo. Off page Seo is different. It’s make inbound links for your blog.

What is off page Seo

Off page Seo get inbound links from various websites and blogs. It’s totally different from the on page Seo. It’s give back links to your blog. This back links helps to improve your blog rank. You can create back links from social networking, forum posting, article submission and guest bloging.This blog post specially describe off page Seo and how to properly work with off page Search engine optimization.

Off page seo secrets

off page seo secrets
Social book marking – Social book marking is a great opportunity to promote your websites. Search engines are crawl social bookmarking sites on a frequent basics. There are so many social bookmarking websites available like StumbleUpon, Digg, Delicious, Reddit, etc. You can simply bookmark your blog posts there. Social bookmarking sites drive traffic to your blog.
Forum posting – Forum posting is another way to get traffic and get back links to your blog. Make sure you are work with do follow forums. Do follow forums are search engine friendly and give new visitors to your blog.
Social media marketing – Social media marketing is become popular today. Most internet marketers are using social media websites to promote their brands. Here are some popular websites to do social media marketing, Facebook, twitter, Google plus and LinkedIn. Here you can create profiles and business pages to promote your products. Its help improve your website rank.
Guest posting – This is help to make high PR back links to your blog. Write some articles and post it on high PR blogs.
Article submission – Write some unique articles and publish on the famous article directories like as EZine, Articlebase. This help to make traffic to your blog.
Blog commenting – Blog commenting is also link building technique. Post comments on other blogs within the related keyword as yours. On there you can add your blog link also. Make sure that blog is do-follow blog. This links are crawl by Search engines and index on search results.
Directory submission – Directories also gain your blog traffic and boost your blog rank. Google directory, yahoo directory and domz directory are the best places to list your blogs.
Video marketing – Create a video about your blog / product and publish it on a video site like as youtube. These video sites are Search engine friendly and index your web links on search results with top ranking.
Photo sharing – You can share your own photos on photo sharing websites. Other people can view your photos. Also you can add a back link to your blog. It’s also give the traffic to your blog.
Write reviews – Write best reviews to your blog on business review sites and Seo ranking sites. Alexa review is always effect your blog rank.

Negative off page optimization tips

Avoid cross linking, link spam and link wheel. Don’t make cross links with some other websites / blogs. This effect your Search engine ranks. Google latest penguin update is totally against for link spam. Search engines always welcome natural organic links. Don’t create huge number of links in a short period. Search engines turn all this like spam. Link wheels also like as spam.

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