Best Blogging platforms 2013

Blogging platforms are a great way to share your knowledge with the rest of the world. Early in 2002, when we only had print media to share our knowledge, sharing was only limited for commercial purposes. Giving ads in newspaper or advertising on television or on radio station really costs big bucks. But as the internet industry grown more and more content sharing platforms came, of which blogging platforms proved revolutionary and it just boomed the internet industry. A person can sit at his comfort from his PC and throw up content on the internet and big giants like Google will really make it possible for your contents to get delivered to the right audience. Blogging Platforms are the only reason for the growth of Internet. People would never spend their time online if there were no contents to be found. Blogging platforms have made people to blog on what ever topic they love and this had made internet industry a living place. I don't find a topic on internet where people have not blogged on.
As more and more people get interested in using blogging platforms, this had made internet a constantly refreshing and expanding place. One very often and most desirable reason for people getting interested in Blogging platforms, is the ability to earn money out of blogging. So people lets review every thing about blogging platforms in details.

 Top 5 Blogging Platforms for one to Blog 

  200 Free blogging site for search engine seo :

Since Internet is vast, not even Google can exactly say how many Blogging platforms are out there on the internet, but in this post I will be talking about the best top 10 blogging platforms.

1. Blogspot :
Blogspot also known as the blogger, is the most popular and trusted blogging platform. It is easy to use and maintain and It is one of the products of "Google". Like you own and use free gmail for emailing similarly is free to use and supports 100 authors. If you use Gmail then your blog will automatically created if you are logged in to your Gmail and then type ""on a new tab.

You can see that this post which you are reading now is powered by "" and it is a sub domain of  "".

Why I prefer using Blogspot as my Blogging Platform?

  1. Blogspot is owned by manged by Industries most expert and experienced engineers. Yes Google engineers.
  2. If you can trust gmail for keeping your private files then you can definitely trust as well.
  3. When it comes to creating the blog, it's just as easy as abc. 
  4. Blogger is the Blogging platform which cares for both new and advanced users.
  5. The best of all is that Google has a separate "Google for blog" search engine which definitely helps new blogs to gain traffic much easily. Great huh!

2. WordPress:

WordPress is a great Blogging Platform. Though it's not an easy blogging platform if you are a newbie but if  spend a little bit of your time you will definitely find WordPress great.
WordPress brings two blogging platform for a blogger. Either you go to "" or "". : Here you can start your own blog or website for free or paid.
  1.  If you choose to go for a free blog, then you gonna get your desired WordPress sub domain and you can start blogging without paying anything.  
  2. If you choose to go for paid, then you gonna get features like no ad serving, domain mapping facility, 10 GB of disk space, custom designing option for editing css and video hosting services and much more.
Note: When you decide to go for free version WordPress is gonna server advertisement on your blog so it's always a good option to start with free and then switch over to paid if your blog starts getting traffic which you can monetize.

Visit here to learn >> How to create a website for free : This is the place for WordPress organization. WordPress team brings frequent updates on their Blogging platform and you can download it from here for completely free. The most important thing which I didn't tell you is that you can download their blogging platform script and upload it on your server and you are ready to start building your blog and your audience. is like a showcase of their blogging platform. Here you learn about different plugins, their use, themes and much more.

3. HubPages:

Hubpages is not a designing platform but it is definitely a great blogging platform. At Hubpages you can blog almost about any topic. The blogging topic could be from any niche but it must be your own copyright.
You can either share an article, video or create a recipe. The best part about Hubpages that if you are a passionate blogger then you can also earn money from your posts. Ya, you are allowed to sign for different advertising and monetizing programs on your hub.
One of the most important thing to note here is that unlike blogger and WordPress, Hubpages has many active user and every time you post a page it gets viewed by most of the hubbers and it's easily found and indexed by Google and other popular search engines.

Copy and paste this in your browser to visit the Blogging platform:

4. Squidoo :  

Squidoo is another blogging platform just similar to hubpages, but the only difference between hubpage and  Squidoo platform is that at hubpages you can sign up for monetizing programs like adsense and eBay but at Squidoo you do earn a part of earning which Squidoo ads earn on your pages.
Squidoo is again a very great free Blogging platform and  your content gets seen by search engines very easily.

Both  squidoo and hubpages are a great blogging platform indeed and you can earn money on both. I would recommend you to try both of them and see which one out of the two blogging platform works best for you.

Copy and paste this in your browser to visit the Blogging platform:

5. Weebly

Weebly is just an amazing and very simple to use blogging as well as designer platforms on Internet.
For designers weebly offers a highly professional looking templates which are all drag and drop and it supports html5 and Css3.
For bloggers, weebly can help you share your contents with the world in just minutes. Even if you do not know the ABC of programming but still  you can develop your own professional looking blog with contact us and form filling features.
Weebly also offers you to earn money online just by applying for adsense program from your blog.
Weebly like other Blogging platforms display advertisement on your free blog and if you upgrade to their premium, then their ad displaying on your blog.

Copy and paste this in your browser to visit the Blogging platform:

Blogging platforms reviews- blogging platforms comparison

Here i am going to review the blogging platforms and give you a good comparison between different blogging platforms so that it can help you decide the right blogging platform which suits your needs.
1. Best blogging platform for both simple and advanced bloggers
1. Best blogging platform for experienced bloggers and best for designers
1.Best blogging platform only
1. Best blogging and designer platform for both fresh and experienced users
2. Custom domain can be added
1. Custom domain can only be added for premium users
2.No Custom domain can be added
2. Custom domain can be added only when you go premium
3.Look and feel of the blog can be fully optimized
3. There are some limitations and need upgrades.
3. Though it Can be optimized but it does not look very professional
3. Look and feel can be optimized to sum degree but for full optimization requires to be premkum
4.Absolutely free
4. Free but in some cases the services are chargible.
4. No body knows when their privacy policy changes
4. Chargible in most of the cases.

Blogging platforms market share

Lets review, how much the market share a blogging platform occupies? and what is the most important reason for holding that market share. This market share reviews of blogging platforms is only for blogging not for designing

1. Blogger:  holds 30% of blogging share in the internet industry.

  • Better SEO standing
  • Absolutely free
  • Can be monetized
 2. Wordpress: holds 10% of blogging share

  • Better SEO standing
  • Free
3. Weebly: holds 1% of blogging share

  • Free 
  • Designing and look aspect
4. Others including Squidoo and many more not known and unspecified : holds the rest of  the blogging market share

Best blogging platforms to make money:

No doubt blogger is the best blogging platform to make money. If you wanna make money by blogging then Google Adsense ad inventory is best for you and since Blogger is the property of Google, it becomes much easier to get approved for Adsense program.

Best blogging platforms for photographers:

For photographers I wold recommend to give WordPress a try. Though blogger and weebly can also be your best option but since for weebly you need to go premium for photographing website and blogger look and feel is not that great.
So ya, WordPress should be your best blogging platform as a photographer.

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