How to create website

How to create website

Free website tutorial in 3 easy steps?

Learn to create a website from Scratch in 3 easy steps:

 Get a domain name for your website

For you to start a website you need a name of your website. E.g. I wanted to teach people about "how to earn money online" so i registered a name for my website which is So the domain name is the name of your website and is decided by the website owner.

My Advice:  Before choosing a name for your website think twice because your domain name represents your business, your brand.

Sign up for web Hosting

Web hosting is where you are going to place your website contents so that it is available online. Web Hosting is usually provided by web host. Web hosts are those companies which will provide you web space so that you can place your website contents. They will also provide you email address for your website, free scripts so that you can start blogging, forums for discussion, shopping carts, social networking, Antivirus solution, back up and much more. I would recommend everyone to read web hosting reviews and then select a web host.

Start building your own website
 To earn money online, the most crucial part which plays an important role is creating Niche website. Niche websites means websites which are focused around a central topic. For you to earn money from Google AdSense you have to create your website around a specific topic. This specific topic can be anything based on your interest. The best practice while choosing a niche for your website is to choose a topic which you feel comfortable with and you can easily blog about it.

Learn everything you need to create a website for free in details here

Why do we create a website?
 A website can be built for many purposes which are but is not limited to:
  • To teach the most obvious one.
  • To represent your brand
  • For online business
  • For blogging
  • To sell your product and services etc.
Since in our case, we are creating the website for blogging and to earn money as well. So we gonna choose a blogging platform where we can just post a blog and no hard coding is required.

Static Vs Dynamic website

Since our case is blogging and it requires a dynamic website in order to post everyday, whatever things matter to us and is published with ease without programing. So what is the difference between a Static and a Dynamic website?
Let's have a look at some of the differences by comparing both Static and Dynamic website.

Static WebsiteDynamic Website
A static website is a website with limited no of pages and is designed to be updated less frequently and a real human programmer is required to edit pages it contains.A Dynamic website is a website which is designed using content management systems like Drupal, Joomla and WordPress etc.
It's look and feel can not be changed by non programmers.It is much easier to change the look and feel of the website without much programming needed.
It is not meant to be updated regularly.It is meant to be updated regularly.

It is mainly designed to represent a brand or company profile.
It is designed mainly for blogging purposes and to make money online.
since a static website contains a limited no of pages, It's really cheap to develop.A Dynamic Website is not that cheap to develop since it contains many pages
A Static Website is much easy and less expensive to host.A Dynamic Website is not that easy to host since it contains many posts and disk and bandwidth usages are increased.
A Static Website is far much easier to manage as compared to a dynamic websiteA Dynamic Website is not that easy to manage since it contains many pages and requires frequent updates.


Web designing software in the market 

There are many web designing software's available in the market which you can take advantage of when creating your website if you don't know how to programme. In this list I will mention the names of all those software:
  1. Adobe Dreamweaver: It is the best web designing software available for creating website from scratch with really no programming knowledge and the best part about Dreamweaver is that no matter where ever you are in your programming language, Dreamweaver will really make your programming efforts easier.
    I have seen industry people using Dreamweaver for creating their clients website. Dreamweaver has all that feature that you may require if you want to create an advanced level website. Adobe Dreamweaver is also associative with many other very popular adobe products like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash Professional for creating flash etc and you can integrate all your flash work directly from flash professional to Dreamweaver with no hassle. This makes Adobe Dreamweaver even better and very hand indeed. You can buy Adobe Dreamweaver from here>>
  2. Notepad++: This is just an amazing web editor. If you are a programmer or just have a bit idea on programming then this editor will really prove worthy in your editing efforts. Unlike the notepad which comes with Windows operating system, Notepad++ has many robust features to offer an example could be if you are writing a code then you wanna focus more on code then you must have found it difficult in Notepad but in Notepad++ things are different. Here you can minimize the sections of the code which you don't wanna show e.g. If you are done with the head section of your coding then you can hide it by minimizing the head section code. Notepad++ is available for free download here>> Notepad plus plus 
  3. Weebly web designer platform: Weebly is a very prestigious and old web designing and hosting company in San Francisco, California. Weebly corporation started in 2006 and they provide very easy and professional looking drag and drop web designing platform with high professional looking graphics and templates. Weebly provides almost all tools that you may need for creating a strong online presence. From graphic editing to video and animation etc. Weebly has recently launched it's pro feature where it offers HTML 5 standard based application like if you want an HTML5 video player then weebly should be your first choice. Creating website either for personal use or for your clients is just no hassle anymore with Weebly pro features and What does Weebly charge you for all this is just as similar to a traditional domain registration and hosting cost. So no worries.
    You can join weebly for free and develop your website and then pay weebly after publishing it. Check this link to
    >> join weebly

Using WordPress to Create Dynamic website

The best dynamic website creating platform is no doubt WordPress. WordPress is fairly new if compared to other Dynamic website creating platform like Drupal and Joomla, but with it's robust features and easy to install scripts and hassle free publishing have made WordPress the best Dynamic website Creating Platform of 2013.
The coolest thing about WordPress is that you have a choice to install from many free and paid themes available and installing scripts and plugins in WordPress is always a great experience for everyone.
If you have a problem or you want a feature on you site you will surely find a plugin in WordPress community. WordPress is also known for it's strong markup and SEO features. Every time you post something  on your WordPress website, your post gets pinged automatically making it easily findable for Search engines.

Signup for WordPress Now! 

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